Senin, November 24, 2008

a little note : Install Debian Etch

So here I'll write a little note for the installation, now I need to be considered are:

  1. After the installation do not forget to remove the package's called: network-manager-manager, where the network is by default automatically create a name, this is the server name to make clear that we add in the / etc / resolv.conf will be lost when the server restart.
    • for uninstalling the command: apt-get remove network-manager, after the repeat again with the extra-purge: apt-get remove-purge network-manager.
  2. Do not forget to also edit the file / etc / sysctl.conf
    • uncomment the following:
    • net.ipv4.conf.default.forwarding=1 net.ipv4.conf.default.forwarding = 1

  3. Create a folder and file that will be in the execution in networking daemon
    • mkdir / etc / folderanda / my-network, communicate the contents of this file is ip address and additional iptables rule, and do not forget change permission, with the command ~# chmod 775 / etc / folderanda / my-network.
    • o after that the file / etc / folderanda / my-network, entered dirule: / etc / init.d / networking.
    • case “$1″ in case "$ 1" in
      log_action_begin_msg “Configuring network interfaces” log_action_begin_msg "guess that's the tricky network interfaces"
      if ifup -a; then if ifup-a; then
      log_action_end_msg $? log_action_end_msg $?
      log_action_end_msg $? log_action_end_msg $?
      /etc/folderanda/my-network / etc / folderanda / my-network
      ;; ;

  4. If you have trouble with your ethernet card, and must change that interface, any rule that you must check, because if you change the interface, the name of interface still counting not rearrange ethernet name entry, so you must change the configuration at : ~# /etc/udev/rules.d/z_25persistent-net.rules, delete the content of file n restart your machine, so the interface name recounting from eth0.
Things were usually overlooked when the router settings.

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