After exhausting struggle's sizable, may also eventually install the printer driver canon pixma ip1000 with success, the steps do I have been very public by friends I work with Ubuntu. the steps I do as below:
The first time I have to do is add the repository in the / etc / apt / source.list
deb ./
deb-src ./
then the package is updated to do with the command:
#apt-get update
there are three packages required for running the Canon printer Ip1000 in ubuntu, but because there is ubuntu in the command apt-get install, such as below:
# apt-get install libcnbj-2.2 bjfilter-2.2 pstocanonbj
and when it installed the first time there is a problem, try to be repeated again, because I experienced the same thing, when running the first time I do my work and success once again. to install manually can be tough in here and here.
printernya for configuration:
From the menu select System Administration>> Printing>> New Printer
There will be no local printer and ip1000
Select Forward / Continue
To select Canon Manufacturer
To select the model Pixma iP1000
To select the standard Driver
- Try printnya test and do not forget to set as the default printer and open openoffice word for test ngeprintnya.
with the above steps do I print a success in ubuntu 7:10 with success. But there is a problem when print job canceled and would remove the queue when the list was in fact the printer option, and it asked to google is also included in the bug, do'h I confuse what must I do, because I cancel 60 pages, but the printer cant stopped printing, fyuh.. .
Step I do is in the printer hardware with the steps below:
Langkah 1: Service Manual ways (means 1)
1. Remove the USB cable and POWER.
2. Open the door of the printer and press + hold the Power button
3.Place the longer the cable POWER
4. Close the door printers, freelance POWER button.
5. Audrey but that was still Blinking
then I open the url printernya dibrowser with the address: http://localhost:631/printers/iP1000, there are many options there, that I do is: cancel all jobs and stop the printer, the printer off and on again, and it is also Blinking, I enter the paper and 5 sheets have been victims blinkingnya stop.
Then click the start printernya print and try again .. and is running well again.
So while, before ngeprint, earned diprint data will not valid to mengcancel printing, and not too many in the queue, because it will make cupsys crash.
hopefully useful for the progress opensource
reference reads:
- Http:// ~ takushi / # canon
- Http://
- Https: / / / ubuntu / + source / system-config-printer / + bug/137984
- Http://
- Http://
- Http://