Today a successful configure squid in Ubuntu Server 11:10 and actually, once the basic settings yet there is something special, just re-read guide that is in here and here .
The next step I tried was mempassword squidnya, so that when people access, despite connect wirelessly browsing when will be forced to login with the username and password that have been made using htpassword.
How to enable htpassword first is to install apache2, how to use apt-get it, and I use NCSA Authentication Helper. Follow the steps as follows:
1. Creating a directory to store the Username and Password htpasswordnya.
eg: # mkdir / usr / lib / squid / NCSA / / * is intended spy a directory with squidnya.
2. Run the command htpassword directly from the terminal, eg:
~ # Htpasswd-c / usr / lib / squid / NCSA / login.auth dobelden / / *-c option to create the user first, if you will add a user, the same command without the-c it.
The command above means that we make direktoru login.auth and user dobelden, when there will dienter enter the new password command, follow it.
3. Setting Edit / etc / squid / squid.conf in the following sections:
auth_param basic realm Squid-Proxy-Server
auth_param basic program / usr / lib / squid / ncsa_auth / usr / lib / squid / NCSA / login.auth
auth_param basic children 5
2 hours auth_param basic credentialsttl
auth_param basic caseSensitive off
REQUIRED acl ncsa_users proxy_auth
4. On the local network http_access http_access below us, attach:
http_access allow ncsa_users
After that restart squidnya, and please be tested with external connection, or from our external network, by installing a manual on the internet browser options, when in Firefox in the Menu-Option-Option-Advanced-Network-Settings and enter our proxy server IP and test by browsing, viewing requests when existing Username and Password settings brarti we've succeeded.
Thus the way of preference, may be useful.
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