This is the list that I always use when I configure a debian machine :
- apt, for this command we can use some job like : apt-get update ( for update your repository that store at : /etc/apt/sources.list, apt-get install [packages name] ( to install packages that we need to install), apt-cdrom add ( to add list repository from CD we have ).
- vim, this is a command to edit some file, for example : vim /home/andri/letter, this command mean that we open the file called letter.
- cp, to copy file at direcroty to another directory one. example : cp /home/andri/letter /home/iwan/
- mv, to move or rename file, example cp /home/andri/letter /home/iwan/letterrename.
- ln -s , to make simbolic link
- ls -la, to view list file or directory at our active directory
- ps -aux, to view running service at our machine
- iftop, to show and know traffik activity
- ifstat, like iftop but different in view order
- mc, midnight commander tools to copy file like Winscp maybe
- rcconf, to show and select or deselect the running service
- ipcalc, to calculate ip address